Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ENTRY 16: Pimples? Oh nooooooooo !

Assalamualaikum and hello everybody!

Do you want to know something? It is like a ghost for most women in this world. It will haunting you whenever you see your own face in the mirror or whenever you go out from your house. We will automatically feeling sad because of pimples. Mostly people out there or most women always have low self-confidence. They don't have any confidence or strength to face the reality of life that people who don't have self-confidence won't be able to survive in hectic life especially in a big city. This is because they always feel ashamed of their looks. People who have a good looking always get attentions from people out there. So they are likely to have so much benefits compared to those who aren't like that.

I still remembered when I was in standard five, I have many tiny pimples on my forehead and my friends were trying to avoid themselves from me just because I have so many pimples on my forehead. Until my mom had adviced me about doing facial or taught me how to wash my face properly. She always asks me to put 'bedak sejuk' on my face every night before I sleep. But it didn't work for me. I also tried using facial product but the results were still the same. Then I stop using any facial products. Do you know what is the results? I lost all of my pimples. Thank to Allah. I don't have to feel ashamed because of my pimples on my face. All just I have to do is always clean my face using water when my face is in oily condition and wipe my face using clean tissue paper. Till now, my face is free from pimples. Want to have a try? Come on. It is just a simple way to get rid the pimples from your face. Ops, before I forget, 'wudhu' also can wash our face from any dirty. Thats all from me. Don't forget to try my tips. Bye.


  Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

This week is the last week for preparing for sitting the UPS and after about one week after that, I will be celebrating Happy Eid Day and in my 4th day of celebrating Happy Eid Day, I will be sitting for UPS on Tuesday. The UPS is the biggest examination in mid semester for matriculation student like me. It will covers all five subjects which consist of Account, Microeconomics, Mathematics, Business Management and English.

After all, I still haven't do very much of preparation. But now I am trying to manage my time wisely so that I can cover all five subjects within this 2 weeks upcoming. For your information, tomorrow I will be sitting for 2 tests which are Accounts and Microeconomics.
And now you know how busy I am for right now. I don't think that Account students are not busy like Science students. Yes, we do have a lot of gaps compared to them, but we always get so much assignments to be done in every week.

Talking about UPS just now, I am now in a stress condition. I am not ready yet to sit for UPS, and hell yeah I can't even celebrating Happy Eid Day as much as I want. As usual, if last year I can't enjoy so much during my festive day because of SPM, then this year is because of the same reason!!! The UPS! Oh shut up... This is so sad. I want my old time. I miss my old time. Feeling happy with no worries about the examination and so on. When I was in Standard Two, I celebrated Happy Eid Day during school holidays. It was so heaven that I enjoyed it so much. But now, no more enjoy. All I have to think first is study, study, and study. That's all. Bye.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

ENTRY 14: Checkmate!

Assalamualaikum and hello to my all my classmates.

This time I would like to write an entry about a game played by two players using many pieces of little tiny of woods, or glasses or maybe plastics. Each pieces of them represents 6 characters. They are pawn, knight, bishop, king and queen.  

They are differs by the way they move by its player. This game is played either by white set or black set. This game is called Chess.

      I get to know about this game when I was 10. My friend had introduced me to Chess. Once I know how this game is played, I started to fancy this game. I used to play chess in Open Chess Tournament when I was in Form 2. The tournament was held in one day only in USM Kubang Kerian. I was really nervous because that was my first time to get involve in this game. I was just trying my luck to play chess. It have 6 rounds. If you win, you'll get 1 point. 0 point if you loose the game and 1/2 point if you draw the game. I only got 4 points upon 6. I got lost with two boys in round 3 and 5. I only won the game that I played with girls. I was really frustrated and felt like crying in public. The year after that until I was in Form 5, I still playing chess and represent my school in Chess Tournament.

   I still remebered, I got to loose the game because my time was end. I took long time to move my chess point. But what more can I said, the game is still over and I can't turn back the time. I wish I can turn back the time and play with all my heart and will try my best to win the game.

     Till now, I am still a chess player. I always playing chess during my frre time on my phone. Sometimes I will play chess online. While playing I will chatting with my competitive. Thats all for now. Thank you for reading my blog!

Monday, July 22, 2013


POU. Do you know what this is? Pou is a game which like our baby. Once we have the game in our phone ( usually it is available for smartphone), we are likely to have a baby in our phone. We have to feed the baby, give him potion to make him stay in a good health and playing games with him so that he won’t feel boring. 

 Then we must give him a rest or charge his energy to top up his energy. We will have the coins if we wash his dirty body, feed him until he gets full,play the game until you win the game and so on. By earning the coins, you can change the wallpaper in his house. We can buy new type of food or even change his cloth.
When you switch off the lamp, he will sleep and wake up when he is awake. You will get the notification like this.

         “Hein, I’m awake!”

 Then, as usual, you will feed him, play the game, clean his body and so on. It will rotate as long as you don’t uninstall the game.

ENTRY 12 : I want a laptop !


Nowadays, people are getting  advanced especially in technology. If fifteen years ago people only used phone when they were 20 and above or when they can afford to buy it, but now everything is changes. Now, a kid who is 8 years old is already can use smart phone. Even some of standard four students in primary school has their own laptop especially for the loaded family. They can easily ask from their rich parents.
But as for me? Sorry to say. I’m not like those children who can easily ask for everything without thinking the use of it. I can only ask for something if it is related to my studies. I want a laptop so that I can easily do my works and assignments. But I still can’t have my own laptop. I have to borrow from my roommate or my classmate so that I can finished my assignment. Sometimes I feel very ashamed to borrow their laptop but I have to because it is an order for me as a student to complete my works. But it is okay because my mom said that she will buy me a laptop after Eid Day. I can’t wait for that day! 

ENTRY 11 : My hero!

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

Ariff Daniel  also known as Ayep, my little brother. He is 9 years old and now is studying in SK Hamzah 1. He is my one and only brother that I have in my siblings. I love him very much. He is very cute, naughty and hyperactive kid. Yeah I know he is a bit spoilt little brother, but he always create a bright smile on my face.
Yesterday, while waiting for breaking fast, lying on my bed while playing Marble Saga game, my mom had called me. I picked up the phone call and talked to my mother. We talked about my studies. She always concerns about my studies. I asked about my family. Then I asked about their menu for breaking fast in past few days ago because I really miss my mom’s cooking. At the end of our conversation, my hero came up and took the phone call. The dialogue is something like this.

Ayep: Hello kakak! (he calls me kakak)
Me: Hello Ayep!
Ayep: Kak, have you downloaded the game that I have asked you to?
Me: ??? Why you didn’t ask about me? Don’t you miss me my hero?
Then I heard my sister’s voice, Yin’s voice at the back. She asked Ayep to say like this.
Yin: I miss you kakak!
Ayep: I miss you kakak!
Me: Do you really miss me or you miss my game in my phone? Or you just miss me because Yin had asked you to say so?
Ayep was laughing with my family at the back. What a naughty boy he is. After that, I have to end the call because time to breaking fast was really close. I miss my family especially my hero!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

ENTRY 9 : Ramadhan Is Here !

Assalamualaikum and Hi everybody !

Today is  Wednesday and as a Muslim, today is the starter day in our fasting month which is called Ramadhan. We will be fasting for about one month. When Ramadhan is over, we will celebrate our Happy Eid Day in Islam calendar.

Since I was in Form One until Form Five, I begin to fast with my friends because I stayed in hostel. And this year, once again I will be fasting without my family. So, what is the difference? The difference is I will going home for every week. But this year, I am no longer have the chance to breaking fast with my beloved family until one week left to end the fasting month. My family lives in Kelantan which is very far from here. I feel like crying whenever I think about the long distance from here to my house. I miss my home. I miss my mom's cooking. I miss everything especially my beloved mother.

 I feel very jealous to see my friend's excitement  as they will going home by the end of this week and I can't go home because I wanted to study as the UPS is just around the corner. I will going home one week before the Happy Eid Day. It is okay for me. I will keep calm and stay cool because I wanted to get four flat in my UPS. If Gods will. Wish me luck. Bye !

ENTRY 8 : Cartoon

Assalamualaikum and Hello my awesome readers ! 

Everybody loves to watch cartoon. Every stage of age loves to watch cartoon because it give a lot of advantages . Let us see the advantages.

When we talk about advantages, we have to see all the points in positive perspective. What are the advantages that we can get from watching cartoon? We can improve ourself by watching cartoon. Why do I say so? This is because cartoon contain a lot of imaginations. The ideas that cartoon creator shows in his or her cartoons are very awesome and can make us laughing. This is because the imagination that our thinking are out of the box. In our real life, we have to think out of the box in order to improve ourself and compete with others who are better than us. The imagination may not logic but to see it in the positive view.

Next, cartoon can make us feel very happy like on top of the world and laughing as much as we want to. One research had been done by a professional counselor . The result shows that a positive effect to a tumour sufferer named Johnny. It can trigger the positive charge in his body and stimulate his hormone in his brain. Cartoon is the best medicine to cure the disease because some said that laughing is the best medicine this world.

ENTRY 7 : Inner Beauty

Assalamualaikum and Hello !

Beauty. Beauty is a subjective. We can see the beauty in different view. As for example , Mona Lisa is a beautiful young lady who doesn't have eyebrows. Many people say that she is very beautiful. But as for me, I don't think that she is beautiful. Instead I can't see where is her beauty. Mona Lisa is very famous especially in the world of art. Leonardo Da Vincci was the one who had introduced Mona Lisa into the world through his beautiful drawing.

Back to my topic,beauty is a subjective and it is divided into two categories which are consist of inner beauty and outer beauty. Why must I highlighted the word for inner beauty? This is because inner beauty is the main subject that I want to write in my entry for this time. As for me, outer beauty is not important because it won't stay longer. But, inner beauty will remain in yourself as long as you are a kind-hearted person.

The pureness of beauty is come from our heart we called inner beauty. How to achieve inner beauty?

Inner beauty can be achieve by doing all sorts of positive attitude. As for some examples, we must always think positive. Always smile even we had a big problem, never give up, help other people and so on. We can get many good things when we achieve inner beauty. Everybody loves to talk with us and they will respect to us as long as we respect they like they do.

That's all that I want to share. Thank you. :)

ENTRY 6 : Gwiyomi !

Assalamualaikum ...

So first it was Gangnam Style, then it was Harlem Shake. And now, Gwiyomi !

What is Gwiyomi ? Gwiyomi translated into English means someone who is cute hence the new dance craze literally means 'cute player'. Gwiyomi is another dance move has gone viral on the web. At first I heard this song was played and getting extremely famous by the of February 2013. Gwiyomi song is very famous till today. Not all but most of my friends in my Facebook's friendlist love this song so badly. Since this song was released, many people out there had downloaded their own video singing the Gwiyomi song.

This song was specially dedicated by a cute girl to her beloved boyfriend. By doing her cute action while sang the song, the girl hope that her boyfriend won't leave her. 

Gwiyomi English Lyrics – Hari

choko meopin han jogak sikyeonoko
(Ordered a set of chocolate dessert )
gosohan uyuhanjaneul gidaryeoyo
( Waiting for a glass of delicious milk )
oppahago nahago kkok maju anjaseo
( Sitting with brother and facing each other )
seoro sonbadak wie yeppeun nakseoreul hajyo
( We draw some beautiful logo on each other palm)
hannun paljima nuga mworaedo naekkeo (naekkeo)
(Don’t look at who or anywhere, you’re mine (you’re mine) 
dareun yeojarang maldo seokkjima nan nikkeo (nan nikkeo)
( Don’t chat with other girl, i’m yours (i’m yours) )
saekki songarak geolgo kkok yaksokhaejwoyo
( Tick fingers and promise well )
jeoldae na honja naebeoryeo duji ankiro
( Promise won’t leave me alone )
ildeo hagi ileun gwiyomi
( 1+1 = little cutie )
ideo hagi ineun gwiyomi
( 2+2 = little cutie )
samdeo hagi sameun gwiyomi, gwigwi gwiyomi gwigwi gwiyomi
( 3+3 =little cutie,little cutie,little cutie)
sadeo hagi sado gwiyomi
( 4+4 = little cutie )
odeo hagi odo gwiyomi
( 5+5 = little cutie )
yukdeo hagi yugeun jjokjjokjjokjjokjjokjjok gwiyomi nan gwiyomi
( 6+6 = kiss*6, little cuttie, i’m little cutie )
hannun paljima nuga mworaedo naekkeo (naekkeo)
( Don’t look at who or anywhere, you’re mine (you’re mine) 
dareun yeojarang maldo seokkjima nan nikkeo (nan nikkeo)
( Don’t chat with other girl, i’m yours (i’m yours) )
saekki songarak geolgo kkok yaksokhaejwoyo
( Tick fingers and promise well )
jeoldae na honja naebeoryeo duji ankiro
( Promise won’t leave me alone )
one two three nun gamgo naege dagawa
( One two three close your eyes, i’m coming to you )
du soneuro nae boreul manjimyeo ppoppoharyeoneun
( Hold my face and ready for kiss )
geu ipsul makgoseo
( Stick our lips )
ildeo hagi ileun gwiyomi
( 1+1 = little cutie )
ideo hagi ineun gwiyomi
( 2+2 = little cutie)
samdeo hagi sameun gwiyomi, gwigwi gwiyomi gwigwi gwiyomi
( 3+3 =little cutie,little cutie,little cutie)
sadeo hagi sado gwiyomi
( 4+4 = little cutie )
odeo hagi odo gwiyomi
( 5+5 = little cutie )
yukdeo hagi yugeun jjokjjokjjokjjokjjokjjok gwiyomi nan gwiyomi
( 6+6 = kiss*6, little cuttie, i’m little cutie )
hannun paljima nuga mworaedo naekkeo (naekkeo)
( Don’t look at who or anywhere, you’re mind (you’re mind) )
dareun yeojarang maldo seokkjima nan nikkeo (nan nikkeo)
( Don’t chat with other girl, i’m yours (i’m yours) )
saekki songarak geolgo kkok yaksokhaejwoyo
( Tick fingers and promise well )
jeoldae na honja naebeoryeo duji ankiro
( Promise won’t leave me alone )
jeoldae na honja naebeoryeo duji ankiro
( Promise won’t leave me alone )

Based on this lyrics, we know that this girl really loves her boyfriend and doesn't want her boyfriend cheating her and she wants her boyfriend to promise that he won't leave her alone.

Here I add up a Gwiyomi dance guide so that you will know how cute you are when doing that dancing move. Enjoy your reading ! Bye !

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ENTRY 5 : Necessity and Desire. Which one is important?

Assalamualaikum and Hello !

Today I would like to write an entry about our needs and our wants. The question is, which one is most important? Which one should we give priority during our window shopping session in order to decrease waste?

Necessity is something that is very important in our live. If we don't have it, we might have problems later on. While desire is something that is not really important to have it as soon as possible or we still can live happily without feel unsafe and miserable if we don't have it.

For me, necessity is the most important for us to have it by hook or by crook. We can fulfil our wish to get our desire if we have enough money and we can afford to buy or to have it.

There are three ways to avoid wastage during your shopping. First, make a list of something to buy. Remember, only important things that can be listed down. You just have to buy things that you wrote in your list. Second, make a comparison of price before you choose what brand for your thing. Take the reasonable price to decrease the waste. Third, never pick even a single thing that is not important or not important on that time. Always save your budget for urgent case in future. Try to refrain from gobbling shopping.

Money is something that is very needed in order to survive in your life. There are some people outside there still raised his hand to ask for money. We should be thankful because we still have money and still can afford to fulfil our wish to buy our things without even thinking of necessity or our desire. Take your time to think about it. 

Till see you next time. Bye

ENTRY 4 : The Loved Ones

Assalamualaikum and hello !

Love is the greatest gift God ever give man. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with him or her. Love is something that we need in our live.  Love is something that we can't hold or touched by our hands. But deeply in our heart, we know the existence of love. Actually, love is subjective. There are lots of love quotes and definitions that I can write here but my point here is about the loved ones.

Talking about the loved ones, are you imagine your loved ones in your mind right now? No matter who they are but I'm sure that you are thinking about them or less than that. For me, my loved ones is my beloved parents. I love them damn so much because they are the reason why I'm here in  this world.Without them, I can't be here writing this entry right now. Am I right? 

I feel very thankful because I still have them alive and stay healthy till today. Alhamdulillah. They are the most precious thing that I have in this world. There is no one and no such thing in this world can replace them.  What makes me feel to write about this topic is I remembered my tweet in social networking, Twitter. It sounds like this.

" It had been one month I don't see my parents. Miss them so much"

 Then my friend retweet that. She said, "It had been two months and I don't get even a single chance to see my parents. Miss them too."

You know what, that girl is one of my closed friend. She had lost her dad when she was in Form Three. I don't remember the cause of death of his late father but the most that I remembered about she is she still stay strong. She never showed his sadness in front of her friends or even in front of me. Can you imagine how can she stay calm with her big losing? Thank God that she still has her mother.

I can see her effort to struggle in PMR because she wanted to show to his late father that she can succeed even she had lost her father. She got straight A's in PMR. She was also one of the best students in SPM.
One month after announcement results of SPM, she finally lost her beloved mother. Her mother died because of leukemia. But still, I can her spirit. She never give up in her life. I am really respects to her because of her spirit. She is now further her studies in Malayan University doing her foundation in Physical Engineering.

One thing that I can tell you is love our parents while they are still alive. Never raised your voice to them and try your best to not to disappoint them. Thats all from me. Till see you in my next entry. Bye.

THIRD ENTRY : Girl School Is Not That Bad

Hi !

 Anybody here were from girl school or boy school in their primary or secondary school ? For your information, I was one of the girl school students in SMK Zainab 1 or also known as Zainabian. I was Zainabian since I was in form 1 until form 5. Five years in that school, I feel very awkward to study in the same class with opposite gender. It is a very awkward moment when I heard boy's voices. Can you imagine, all this while, I was studying with girls surrounding me in my class but then, I have to face with another type of voice which are different from girl's voices. At first, I can't accept this but as time fly, I started to adapt with my new surrounding.

I am a normal person. Please don't get me wrong with what I am going to write here. I am not a LESBIAN. I repeat, I'm not lesbian. Please take note. I know boys are getting in smaller population, but like what I said just now, I'm not lesbian and I won't be one of them. May Allah shows us the right path till the end of our life and till jannah. In Sha Allah.

As a Zainabian, I study with all girls in my class. You know what, I love being in that school. I never have to care about my uniform school looked like. It wasn't that I didn't care at all about my appearance. I do care but its just that I didn't care that much like what most girl do in school. As for example, I didn't care how my scarf looked like. I didn't see mirror many times to fix my scarf or what. As long as it is in the good condition and covering my aurah, then I don't have to worry. Usually, girls always wanted to be seen as the most beautiful girl ever in this world especially in the men's eyes. Their beauty are their asset. That is why girl always keep a small mirror in their bag. Not all girls, but most of them do that. Trust me.

Second, I love being in that school because girls don't create problem or mess up with the teachers. I don't say that all girls are a good girl but most of us always follow the school rules. Unlike boys, they never care about the rules of the school. Like in my case, we don't have so much problems with the rules of the school. Our teachers in disciplinary unit always cool and steady because we didn't make trouble. Just sometime some of us who are naughty girls love to make trouble but so far, they didn't reach the climax of teacher's anger.

Studying with all girls in my surrounding make me feels safe. Why I say so is because I don't have to worry about boy's behaviour. Most of the boys in secondary school are having their hormonal change especially when they are in Form 2 and in Form 3. What puberty did to them is they like to see girls in different view. If you know what I meant. They started to think about sex which can make me feel scary to pass through them. I never trust boys. At this age, they are not mature enough because man life begins at forty. They never care about pros and cons of sex.

That's why i love being in girl school. Now I miss my old school. Many people said that my school always having such many problems in controlling students. But I objected what they said to my old school. We aren't like that. We aren't that bad. Don't judge our school if your school isn't excellent. There are ups and downs in our life. Just accept our school with love.

Are you stress ?

Hello !

I used to write a lot of entries before this but I wrote them in Malay. This is my second entry to write entry fully in English. I don't take it as something that burden me. For me, this task can improve my English. Even though I got an A for English subject, I never feel proud with it. I know, there are lot of adjustments that I have to be done in order to get an excellent for Malaysian University English Test (MUET) or get for at least Band 5.

This time, I will write an entry about how I release my tension or stress. There are so many ways to release our tension or stress. For me, everyone has their own problems that can give us stress. Only insane people never have problems. They never think about their problems whether they have problems or not. That is why they don't have the stress.

As for me, I have my own styles to release my stress. I love to clean up my house or my room when I'm in stress mode. It maybe sounds weird but that's the reality. That is how i release my stress. It is not that I won't clean up my house or my room when I am happy or what, I am still doing my job as a woman but not as frequent as when I'm in a stress mode.

Other than clean up my house or my room, I prefer to listen to the music. No matter how bad the song is to me, but I never care about it. I will wearing my earphones and listening to the music in the loudest volume. It's like I live in my own world that nobody cares about me. I'm not antisocial person, but I love to be alone when I'm not in the good mood. I might screw up with people in my surroundings if I feel stress. I often listening to English songs like No Air from Jordin Spark and Chris Brown, Diamond from Rihanna and so on.

I guess that's all from me. Till see you in the next entry. Bye.