Monday, July 22, 2013

ENTRY 11 : My hero!

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

Ariff Daniel  also known as Ayep, my little brother. He is 9 years old and now is studying in SK Hamzah 1. He is my one and only brother that I have in my siblings. I love him very much. He is very cute, naughty and hyperactive kid. Yeah I know he is a bit spoilt little brother, but he always create a bright smile on my face.
Yesterday, while waiting for breaking fast, lying on my bed while playing Marble Saga game, my mom had called me. I picked up the phone call and talked to my mother. We talked about my studies. She always concerns about my studies. I asked about my family. Then I asked about their menu for breaking fast in past few days ago because I really miss my mom’s cooking. At the end of our conversation, my hero came up and took the phone call. The dialogue is something like this.

Ayep: Hello kakak! (he calls me kakak)
Me: Hello Ayep!
Ayep: Kak, have you downloaded the game that I have asked you to?
Me: ??? Why you didn’t ask about me? Don’t you miss me my hero?
Then I heard my sister’s voice, Yin’s voice at the back. She asked Ayep to say like this.
Yin: I miss you kakak!
Ayep: I miss you kakak!
Me: Do you really miss me or you miss my game in my phone? Or you just miss me because Yin had asked you to say so?
Ayep was laughing with my family at the back. What a naughty boy he is. After that, I have to end the call because time to breaking fast was really close. I miss my family especially my hero!

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