Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ENTRY 4 : The Loved Ones

Assalamualaikum and hello !

Love is the greatest gift God ever give man. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with him or her. Love is something that we need in our live.  Love is something that we can't hold or touched by our hands. But deeply in our heart, we know the existence of love. Actually, love is subjective. There are lots of love quotes and definitions that I can write here but my point here is about the loved ones.

Talking about the loved ones, are you imagine your loved ones in your mind right now? No matter who they are but I'm sure that you are thinking about them or less than that. For me, my loved ones is my beloved parents. I love them damn so much because they are the reason why I'm here in  this world.Without them, I can't be here writing this entry right now. Am I right? 

I feel very thankful because I still have them alive and stay healthy till today. Alhamdulillah. They are the most precious thing that I have in this world. There is no one and no such thing in this world can replace them.  What makes me feel to write about this topic is I remembered my tweet in social networking, Twitter. It sounds like this.

" It had been one month I don't see my parents. Miss them so much"

 Then my friend retweet that. She said, "It had been two months and I don't get even a single chance to see my parents. Miss them too."

You know what, that girl is one of my closed friend. She had lost her dad when she was in Form Three. I don't remember the cause of death of his late father but the most that I remembered about she is she still stay strong. She never showed his sadness in front of her friends or even in front of me. Can you imagine how can she stay calm with her big losing? Thank God that she still has her mother.

I can see her effort to struggle in PMR because she wanted to show to his late father that she can succeed even she had lost her father. She got straight A's in PMR. She was also one of the best students in SPM.
One month after announcement results of SPM, she finally lost her beloved mother. Her mother died because of leukemia. But still, I can her spirit. She never give up in her life. I am really respects to her because of her spirit. She is now further her studies in Malayan University doing her foundation in Physical Engineering.

One thing that I can tell you is love our parents while they are still alive. Never raised your voice to them and try your best to not to disappoint them. Thats all from me. Till see you in my next entry. Bye.

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