Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ENTRY 5 : Necessity and Desire. Which one is important?

Assalamualaikum and Hello !

Today I would like to write an entry about our needs and our wants. The question is, which one is most important? Which one should we give priority during our window shopping session in order to decrease waste?

Necessity is something that is very important in our live. If we don't have it, we might have problems later on. While desire is something that is not really important to have it as soon as possible or we still can live happily without feel unsafe and miserable if we don't have it.

For me, necessity is the most important for us to have it by hook or by crook. We can fulfil our wish to get our desire if we have enough money and we can afford to buy or to have it.

There are three ways to avoid wastage during your shopping. First, make a list of something to buy. Remember, only important things that can be listed down. You just have to buy things that you wrote in your list. Second, make a comparison of price before you choose what brand for your thing. Take the reasonable price to decrease the waste. Third, never pick even a single thing that is not important or not important on that time. Always save your budget for urgent case in future. Try to refrain from gobbling shopping.

Money is something that is very needed in order to survive in your life. There are some people outside there still raised his hand to ask for money. We should be thankful because we still have money and still can afford to fulfil our wish to buy our things without even thinking of necessity or our desire. Take your time to think about it. 

Till see you next time. Bye

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