Tuesday, July 23, 2013

ENTRY 14: Checkmate!

Assalamualaikum and hello to my all my classmates.

This time I would like to write an entry about a game played by two players using many pieces of little tiny of woods, or glasses or maybe plastics. Each pieces of them represents 6 characters. They are pawn, knight, bishop, king and queen.  

They are differs by the way they move by its player. This game is played either by white set or black set. This game is called Chess.

      I get to know about this game when I was 10. My friend had introduced me to Chess. Once I know how this game is played, I started to fancy this game. I used to play chess in Open Chess Tournament when I was in Form 2. The tournament was held in one day only in USM Kubang Kerian. I was really nervous because that was my first time to get involve in this game. I was just trying my luck to play chess. It have 6 rounds. If you win, you'll get 1 point. 0 point if you loose the game and 1/2 point if you draw the game. I only got 4 points upon 6. I got lost with two boys in round 3 and 5. I only won the game that I played with girls. I was really frustrated and felt like crying in public. The year after that until I was in Form 5, I still playing chess and represent my school in Chess Tournament.

   I still remebered, I got to loose the game because my time was end. I took long time to move my chess point. But what more can I said, the game is still over and I can't turn back the time. I wish I can turn back the time and play with all my heart and will try my best to win the game.

     Till now, I am still a chess player. I always playing chess during my frre time on my phone. Sometimes I will play chess online. While playing I will chatting with my competitive. Thats all for now. Thank you for reading my blog!

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