Tuesday, July 2, 2013

THIRD ENTRY : Girl School Is Not That Bad

Hi !

 Anybody here were from girl school or boy school in their primary or secondary school ? For your information, I was one of the girl school students in SMK Zainab 1 or also known as Zainabian. I was Zainabian since I was in form 1 until form 5. Five years in that school, I feel very awkward to study in the same class with opposite gender. It is a very awkward moment when I heard boy's voices. Can you imagine, all this while, I was studying with girls surrounding me in my class but then, I have to face with another type of voice which are different from girl's voices. At first, I can't accept this but as time fly, I started to adapt with my new surrounding.

I am a normal person. Please don't get me wrong with what I am going to write here. I am not a LESBIAN. I repeat, I'm not lesbian. Please take note. I know boys are getting in smaller population, but like what I said just now, I'm not lesbian and I won't be one of them. May Allah shows us the right path till the end of our life and till jannah. In Sha Allah.

As a Zainabian, I study with all girls in my class. You know what, I love being in that school. I never have to care about my uniform school looked like. It wasn't that I didn't care at all about my appearance. I do care but its just that I didn't care that much like what most girl do in school. As for example, I didn't care how my scarf looked like. I didn't see mirror many times to fix my scarf or what. As long as it is in the good condition and covering my aurah, then I don't have to worry. Usually, girls always wanted to be seen as the most beautiful girl ever in this world especially in the men's eyes. Their beauty are their asset. That is why girl always keep a small mirror in their bag. Not all girls, but most of them do that. Trust me.

Second, I love being in that school because girls don't create problem or mess up with the teachers. I don't say that all girls are a good girl but most of us always follow the school rules. Unlike boys, they never care about the rules of the school. Like in my case, we don't have so much problems with the rules of the school. Our teachers in disciplinary unit always cool and steady because we didn't make trouble. Just sometime some of us who are naughty girls love to make trouble but so far, they didn't reach the climax of teacher's anger.

Studying with all girls in my surrounding make me feels safe. Why I say so is because I don't have to worry about boy's behaviour. Most of the boys in secondary school are having their hormonal change especially when they are in Form 2 and in Form 3. What puberty did to them is they like to see girls in different view. If you know what I meant. They started to think about sex which can make me feel scary to pass through them. I never trust boys. At this age, they are not mature enough because man life begins at forty. They never care about pros and cons of sex.

That's why i love being in girl school. Now I miss my old school. Many people said that my school always having such many problems in controlling students. But I objected what they said to my old school. We aren't like that. We aren't that bad. Don't judge our school if your school isn't excellent. There are ups and downs in our life. Just accept our school with love.

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