Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ENTRY 34: Lazy Day

Hello peeps!

I don't know why I'm getting lazy day by day. The near the PSPM is, the more I get lazy. The degree of my laziness is increasing day by day. I don't know what is going on with me. Yesterday was the day I arrived at KMPh and I felt so tired because I had a long journey to reach at college. I reached here at 6.30 p.m and scanned my card and pulled my bag, walking to my block A1. (Sigh) . After perform my prayer, I took a bathe and had a dinner with my roommates. At nine, I prepared for a presentation as I will present one presentation on behalf of my class. I slept at eleven as I can't stand my eyes to stay awake any longer because I was too tired. I even slapped my face for several times to help me stay awake but it don't help me that much. I had to sleep. Today, I woke up late in the morning. Luckily I did't miss my Subuh. Then, I remember that I have English class today but I still don't finish my entries. Actually I have to make 12 entries more as Sir  Ize wants it by this week. Unfortunately, I only can make 34 out of 50 entries. I'm sorry sir. I could't make it. I failed to be a good student. I know, all that you want us to do are not for you. But these are all for us. For myself instead. I'm sorry. :'(

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ENTRY 33: Sir Ize

Started from Standard One until I am 18, I never have a funny teacher like my lecturer, Mr Izehari or we call him Sir Ize. He is so funny teacher that I ever had. He teaches us with full of his heart and he always ease my way to do English. His surname is very suit with his career. Easy = Sir Ize. Hehe. Don't get mad sir. I just want to share about you with my friends. I always share my blog's link so that my friend will read my entry.

 This is my Sir Ize and his beautiful wife

Sir Ize has a sense of humour that can make me always laughing and some times I even crying because of laughing too much. He never fail in making jokes and I never fail laughing whenever he started to make jokes. He always make fun of us in the class. I always thinking how does he spends his time with his children at home because my dad isn't like him. 

My dad is a lecturer too. But he is very rare to make jokes with us.  I had seen he talked to his students and he looked so friendly with his students. At home, I don't talk too much with him because since I was young, my dad always scolded at me. I'm a bit scared of him. But actually I know he loves me. He always scolding me because I was too naughty on that time. I always troubling him.
Now I'm already become a good girl. Hehe.

Back to Sir Ize, I am always looking forward to attend his class every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I will feel free to attend his class because I love learning English with him. Hey don't get me wrong huh. I don't love English because of him but he makes me love English more than that before this. That's all. Thanks for reading this entry sir. ^_^

ENTRY 32: The Soft Heart Of Me

When you read my entries, how do you feel about me? How do you think about me? Am I like other girls who always crying when she feels sad? Or what?

I am just an ordinary girl who has a soft heart. I don't say that I am a kind-hearted. But I just want to share about my feelings. Yeah right. I'm a cheerful person, quite shy (only at first meet), always smile and very rare to show my sadness. I love making jokes and I always laughing even it is a simple joke. But instead of all this, I have a very soft heart. I am actually easily touched when it comes to heart feeling. You can't see me crying even I has a big problem that I keep inside my heart. I won't show it to others till I still can handle it myself. You still can see me smiling but deep inside my heart, I am crying. I has a friend. A close friend actually. She always there when I need her. She always comfort me and she always understands me.

 But now we can only contact using mobile phone. As for me, I don't like to share my problems without looking at her face. So now I am still keeping my problem inside my heart. I only can tell to Allah and ask for His strength to keep me hold on. Hope that Allah will help me to ease everything for me. InshaAllah.

ENTRY 31: Crush

"Hey! Look at that handsome boy! He is my crush."


Crush. For me, crush is a someone that we admire and always stalk to him/her. We like him/her but we never talk to him/her. We only looking at him/her from far away and could only give a bright smile to him/her when we passed by him/her. I never has one until I met this guy. He is a clone of Lee Kwang Soo...! (screaming out loud)
Hehe. Sorry. I am over exciting when I talk about him. But please don't get me wrong. I won't shout in front of public. I just shout in my heart. It is like I meet the real Lee Kwang Soo when I accidentally bumped to him. Some times I feel like want to snap a picture with him and tell my friends that I met Lee Kwang Soo. Haha. Crazy girl.


KURIN is a name. It is my sister's name and she was born after three years I live in this world. She is currently staying in Kelantan and is form-three student in SMK Hamzah 2. Like what I said in previous entry, Kurin is one of my close siblings. She talks to much and never stop till she gets to sleep. She is a quite funny and talkative person only when she is with family. Not with strangers. Not with her friends and of course her teachers in her school. I don't know why she is being like that. When I ask her, she said that she has to control herself and behave. When you looking at her, you'll never expected that she has a sense of humour.

I miss her so much. I always talk about her to my roommates.  Two days ago was her freedom day. The starter of her freedom because she had finished her last paper in PMR.Then last night, I called her and tell her so many things. I story to her not because I want it to. But because of her questions. She kept questioned me this and that and she'll never stop asking me until she got the answer that satisfying her. Sometimes I make a joke to her and she will laugh like she never heard that joke before.

This Monday, my family will go to hometown and meet me there because my mom had asked me to buy the ticket to Ipoh instead of Kelantan.


PSPM is an acronym to Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi. PSPM is a final examination that will be held by the end of this semester which means a few weeks left before we are going to sit for PSPM. As for Accountancy course like me, I will be taking four subjects which consist of Microeconomics, Accounts, Mathematics and Business.

This whole week is our trial examination week. Three papers had done. One is left which is Accounts paper. All students of matriculation including me are now trying our best to give a best performance during the PSPM. But somehow, I feel very tired after chasing my time doing all sorts of things in order to finished my works. Some times I feel like I want to quit from doing all this tiring works and stay relax and cool on my bed or maybe in front of the television.

But, I never think that far. My dream is to finished my studies as soon as possible and get what I want. I always set in my mind my goal to be scored. I don't want to be a loser. I want to be a successful young lady.

ENTRY 28 : Nasyid

When I was in Form Three, I had joined a nasyid team as I wanted to collect the certificates as much as I can so that they will be the ticket for me to go to the boarding school after my PMR's result. I have to involved myself in any activity in that school so that I will get an excellence result in my PMR.

Back to our story, I have to go through an audition to be chosen as one of the nasyid team. So I try my luck to join the audition. Alhamdulillah. I passed the audition and I was so lucky because I was the solo in nasyid team. Our nasyid team is named Fir- Raudhah. We were consist of nine members. A couple of solo voices for two different song, four back up singers and three percussion members.

I was the solo in the first song entitled Umat Islam Bestari. We entered the competition and won the competition at second place. The winner was from our tradition competitor, SMKA Naim Lilbanat. (One of their students is my classmate now. Her name is Hajar)

But still, we were really thankful because we still won the competition even at second place.

ENTRY 27 : Mid Sem Break

These days were a terrified days for me. So many works to be finished. So many assignments to be submitted. So many tests to be done and so on. Well, that is normal to someone called STUDENT. As long as you hold the title of a student, you will always get through the hard times. Yeah. We always murmured to our self because of a lot of works to be done in a time. But, we will miss that moment in our life when in your old age.

One said that, "If you can't withstand the pain of learning, then you will bear the pain of stupidity"

I always  note to myself to always study and make a move. Never satisfy with what you are doing. I keep telling that to myself so that I won't forget. I just want to bear in my mind so that I will always trying my best to achieve my dreams and never give up till I get what I want.

Tomorrow, I will go back to my hometown by bus. I only have 3 weeks minus one week for mid semester break before I have to go back to the college as I am one of the volunteers for SIPMA. My mom had planned to go for a family vacation in Langkawi early in this November. Yes! Finally. I can enjoy myself and spend my time with my family as I don't meet them for such a long time since the day before UPS. I really can't wait for the vacation.


There is a boy in my collage whose his face is really looks like a Korean actor named Lee Kwang Soo. The  most handsome and the tallest guy in Running Man members. Let me call him Mr, S as his name is starterd with that letter and because my name is started with that letter too. At first when I saw him, I was walking with my friends during fasting month and when I passed by him, I was so shocked. He is very tall and handsome. The most important thing is, his face is just the same like Lee Kwang Soo. I don't know why I like Lee Kwang Soo because he always become a betrayer when playing the game. Plus, he is very funny. I like guys who has a sense of humours . Not only me, but most of the women in this world do the same.

For me, Mr. S has a very good package. 

FIRST : he is handsome

SECOND : he is a tall guy

THIRD : he is like Lee Kwang Soo 

 That is not me. I just wanted to show you how excited I am when I am looking at him.



I always note to myself, as a girl, we have to be a good girl. A polite girl. A cute well-mannered girl. adecent girl and so many 'girl' at the back sentence. Just keep on praying so that Allah will meet me with the right guy so that he can always guide to the right path. Insha Allah.

ENTRY 25 : Period Pain


Do you know what period pain is all about? You'll never know until you experienced it. Some women always get period pain when she is in the menstrual phase but some never experienced it. Most of women know how much does it hurt when it attacking you.

Last two weeks ago, when all students were in the class or lecture hall during lecture hour, I was all alone lying on my bed. I was trying to reduce my period pain by forcing myself to sleep so that I won't feel hurt due to period pain. Not just that, I have to boil some water and fill it in a bottle and place it on my tummy. This is how I do when period pain is attacking me.

If only boys know how much does it hurt when period pain is coming, they must be so thankful to be born as a boy. But I don't say that I'm not thankful to be born as a cute girl (,'') . I am trying to say that period pain also can give me benefit. In Islam, when we get hurt, the sins that we have will get terminated just because of small hurts. Like what Mr Ize always said, all such things have their Yin & Yang (pros and cons). That's all. Bye.