Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ENTRY 34: Lazy Day

Hello peeps!

I don't know why I'm getting lazy day by day. The near the PSPM is, the more I get lazy. The degree of my laziness is increasing day by day. I don't know what is going on with me. Yesterday was the day I arrived at KMPh and I felt so tired because I had a long journey to reach at college. I reached here at 6.30 p.m and scanned my card and pulled my bag, walking to my block A1. (Sigh) . After perform my prayer, I took a bathe and had a dinner with my roommates. At nine, I prepared for a presentation as I will present one presentation on behalf of my class. I slept at eleven as I can't stand my eyes to stay awake any longer because I was too tired. I even slapped my face for several times to help me stay awake but it don't help me that much. I had to sleep. Today, I woke up late in the morning. Luckily I did't miss my Subuh. Then, I remember that I have English class today but I still don't finish my entries. Actually I have to make 12 entries more as Sir  Ize wants it by this week. Unfortunately, I only can make 34 out of 50 entries. I'm sorry sir. I could't make it. I failed to be a good student. I know, all that you want us to do are not for you. But these are all for us. For myself instead. I'm sorry. :'(

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