Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ENTRY 28 : Nasyid

When I was in Form Three, I had joined a nasyid team as I wanted to collect the certificates as much as I can so that they will be the ticket for me to go to the boarding school after my PMR's result. I have to involved myself in any activity in that school so that I will get an excellence result in my PMR.

Back to our story, I have to go through an audition to be chosen as one of the nasyid team. So I try my luck to join the audition. Alhamdulillah. I passed the audition and I was so lucky because I was the solo in nasyid team. Our nasyid team is named Fir- Raudhah. We were consist of nine members. A couple of solo voices for two different song, four back up singers and three percussion members.

I was the solo in the first song entitled Umat Islam Bestari. We entered the competition and won the competition at second place. The winner was from our tradition competitor, SMKA Naim Lilbanat. (One of their students is my classmate now. Her name is Hajar)

But still, we were really thankful because we still won the competition even at second place.

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