Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ENTRY 32: The Soft Heart Of Me

When you read my entries, how do you feel about me? How do you think about me? Am I like other girls who always crying when she feels sad? Or what?

I am just an ordinary girl who has a soft heart. I don't say that I am a kind-hearted. But I just want to share about my feelings. Yeah right. I'm a cheerful person, quite shy (only at first meet), always smile and very rare to show my sadness. I love making jokes and I always laughing even it is a simple joke. But instead of all this, I have a very soft heart. I am actually easily touched when it comes to heart feeling. You can't see me crying even I has a big problem that I keep inside my heart. I won't show it to others till I still can handle it myself. You still can see me smiling but deep inside my heart, I am crying. I has a friend. A close friend actually. She always there when I need her. She always comfort me and she always understands me.

 But now we can only contact using mobile phone. As for me, I don't like to share my problems without looking at her face. So now I am still keeping my problem inside my heart. I only can tell to Allah and ask for His strength to keep me hold on. Hope that Allah will help me to ease everything for me. InshaAllah.

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