Wednesday, August 28, 2013

ENTRY 24 : Trifel


Do you love food? I love food very much. I love make trifle pudding. It is so easy to make it and not taking so much time to be done.

The ingredients are listed as follow:
A packet of sponge cake or layer sponge cake
Fruit cocktail juice
Method A:
 1- Cut the layer cake into pieces and place it into large glass bowl.
 2- Pour some fruit cocktail juice onto it just to wet the cake.

1 cup of custard flour
1/2 cup of sugar
1 can of water
1 can of fruit cocktail

Method B:
 1- Mix all the ingredients B till the sugar is
 2- Let the mixture for a while
 3- Pour the mixture onto A section.
 4-Keep it in the fridge for couple of hours and trifle is ready to eat! Enjoy your trifle!

ENTRY 23 : Losing Money


In my last entry, I was talking about my friend who had totally changed after she had been caught because of stealing. This time I would like to write an entry about my experience in hostel. When I was in Form One, I stayed in hostel. Living in the hostel is like live with many siblings. Since I was in Form One, so I am one of the youngest sister in my dorm.  Our dorm leader was in Form Two and she had another 17 of people under her responsible.

The story began when her friend always sleep in our dorm. She was in the next dorm. That night, they sleep in the midnight doing their homework. When we woke up in the morning, my friend cried on her bed. She told me that she lost her money in about RM100. Our warden had told us that maybe an outsider was the main suspect but she denied it. People don't trust her because her face looked bloodless. Her body was obviously shaking. Then, the warden and discipline unit had make a spot check to her. At last, they found the money under her bed. She was really ashamed and quit from my school. I don't know where she go after that.

ENTRY 22 : Don't Trust Her

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!

I have a friend that always accompany me wherever I want to go after lecture hour. She is a science student from Module 1. She is very kind and friendly. Let me call her S. She is a talkative person and has a sense of humor. I can't stop laughing whenever she starts to create joke. She stays in different room but in the same floor. All my roommates like her and comfort to friend with her. We can get along together. But its all over now between us and S.

She had made mess with us. We don't have faith on her anymore. She stole my roommate's cell phone which was Blackberry Bold. At first, when the case was happened, we could not suspect anybody because the thief didn't left any clue or evidence to us. Until my roommate's twin, Pika, revealed her true colour before this. Pika told us that maybe S was the main suspect because she had many cases of stealing in her previous schools before this. But still, we couldn't believe that she was the thief. Since the case was happened, she never joined us for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She always trying to avoid from us. She refused to hang out with us anymore. She had totally changed now. Then, Nini who lost her BB decided to confess with all of us. Before that she met ustaz and ustaz told her that the thief is from among of us. So Nini wanted the thief to give back her phone or else the thief will suffer and will never succeed in her life. She will prays for the thief. During the confession, nobody made a confession to her even S herself. At the end of the day, S passed Nini's BB through my roommate. After that, she will pretend as if like she never knows us. I never expected this from her. I don't understand why she had to do this. I miss the old S.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ENTRY 21 : You made my day


I have a crush here. I admire him since I met him during MPPB's week. I called him Mr. F. I love to see his cute face. He is really mature and tall. He never know that I like him. He don't even know me. I guess he never noticed me looking at him.

Yesterday I went alone to Mini Mart to buy mineral water as my stock of mineral water had finished. Plus, the water pollution that happened make me feel not comfortable to buy any drink. So that's why I wanted to buy two large bottles of mineral water. When my turn was arrived to pay the mineral water, I was noticed that I forgot to bring extra money in my purse. I only have RM 1.50 in my purse and the two large bottles of mineral water cost RM 4.00 I guess. With all money that I have, I still don't even have a chance to buy one mineral water. I just decided to put it back and took one bottle of mineral water in medium size which costs only RM 1.50. When I wanted to change the mineral water, one guy who was line up behind me had put down his money on counter table and paid the two large bottles of mineral water for me. I was really shocked because I didn't ask him to pay for me. He only smiled at me and paid the things that he wanted to buy. I was like hypnotized. That guy is Mr. F! OMG. I smiled, thanked to him and left him. I felt like I wanted to fly in the air but I didn't show that I was really excited.

Since then, I always accidentally bumped to him whenever I go to class during lecture hour. I never forget his smile when he paid the mineral water for me. I will always keep his smile in my mind. That' all. Hope to see him you again next time. Haha. Bye.

ENTRY 20 : Talk to my hand!

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

Yesterday was a terrible day for me. Me and my roommate, Affyn, went to Cafe A for lunch. We were having our lunch at 1.30 p.m  and it was late because we were having a discussion with my Business Lecturer, Mrs Zuraina. Affyn is from other class so she asked me to accompany her to ask the question to my lecturer. After the discussion, we went to Cafe A and ate together. Since only two of us went for lunch, then we have to take turn to  take a look at the bag. I will  buy my lunch while Affyn will waiting for me. When I've done bought my lunch, Affyn left me and bought her lunch.

 While waiting for her, I played Pou game and suddenly a boy who sit next two table from our table was calling me. He is Affyn's classmate. He kept waving his hand towards me even I've smiled to him to replace 'Hello' to him. Then I ignored him and continued to play the game. By the time, he suddenly approached me by seating in front of me. Luckily Affyn had done buying her lunch. I thought he will bother Affyn, unfortunately, he didn't do it at all. He kept bothering me and made me felt uneasy. Affyn and me started to recite the prayer and we just have our lunch without even looking at him. I tried to give him a sign so that he can go away from me. I don't like when people is looking at me while I am eating. I hate it too when people that I don't use to hang with or maybe a stranger is asking me so many questions.

But this guy was so annoying. He kept asking me this and that.
Annoying boy: Do you know this girl? Her name is Fifi. I've been looking her for so long.
Me: I don't know this girl.
Annoying boy: Don't you ever heard her name before?
Me: Never.
Annoying boy: Which one is your block?
Me: Block C. (I was lying to him)
Annoying boy: Am I disturbing you eating?
I looked up to him and smiled. And yet, I replied.
Me: Yes. Can you please leave us alone?
He was speechless and left us alone.

Then, we finished our lunch and went back to our block. Block A1. I felt so uneasy with this guy. I don't know his name and I don't even want to know his name. I guess I am allergic with him. Hope that I won't met him anymore after this.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone !

Easy dude. Easy babe. I'm not saying bad thing. WTF stands for World Taekwondo Federation.
I am one of the Lee Taekwondo Club members in World Taekwondo Federation. Taekwondo has many types which are WTF, ITF, GTF, WTA, MTA as far as I know. ITF stands for International Taekwondo Federation, GTF is Global Taekwondo Federation, WTA is World Taekwondo Association and MTA is Malaysia Taekwondo Association.

I love learning Taekwondo because I don't have to do the opening and closing like in Silat. I'm not saying that Silat is not good,  but I prefer to choose Taekwondo than choosing Silat. Actually, all kinds of martial art are good to everyone especially for girls. We can defend our self from any dangerous that always stalking us if we don't get ready. Girls are naturally weak and can't really protect our self from any danger. But, it is not wrong to learn martial art so that we can always get ready to protect and defend ourself.

Recently, I heard about two girls from Sri Lipis Block had been raped by two men. My friends told me that two men are workers in KMPh. They put spelled on these two girls during the gap in lecture hours. The two girls decided to go back to their room. The case was happened on that time. I felt so sorry for them. They are still in trauma due to that case and they are now quit from this college. The suspects are still free because the two girls don't want to report the case to police.

Moral from this story is, we must always prepare our self with martial art so that we can defend ourself from any danger. That's all. Thank you :)

ENTRY 18 : I Love Baking Shows

Assalamualaikum and hello everybody !

I love watching baking shows and I never miss watching Cupcake Wars, Next Great Baker and Cake Boss in astro TLC channel.

.Buddy Valastro the sexiest cutest guy.

Cupcake Wars is a show where 4 contestants are participating a war of cupcakes to win 50 000 dolars. While Next Great Baker is a winning contest which is hosted by Buddy Valastro, the owner of this program. Cake Boss is also the same baking show like Cake Boss with the same host. Buddy is the owner of Carlos Bake Shop. I love watching this show because they show how the great cake is produced. The decorating part is the part that I like most in this show. The cakes that this shop sells are very creative, cute and awesome. I tell you what, their cakes are very unique and look real. This show is not a boring television programme because they don't acting as they are not actors. Their spontaneous action which is funny make me never feel boring. Their team's relationship is very close as the team is consists of their family members.

They are a happy family. =)

I admire the personality that Buddy shows during the show. He has the package that all women wanted. He is rich, own a huge company, funny guy and many more. I wish to have a guy like this one fine day.

 This beautiful woman is lucky to have Buddy as her soul mate.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

Are you ready to celebrate Happy Eid Day?

This year I will be celebrating Happy Eid Day in Penang. I have two hometowns as my parents are in different states in Malaysia. My mom was born in Perak while my dad was born in Penang. As for me, I love to celebrate 'Hari Raya' in Perak compared in Penang. This is because I don't really have a close relation between my relatives in Penang. I am rarely going to Penang. I always go to Perak than go to Penang. Maybe that is why I don't really like to go here. ( I am writing this entry in Penang ).  Plus, the weather here is so hot during the daylight. I can't stand to stay longer here because of such a hot weather. Thank God, at night the weather is cold.

Unlike in Perak, I love to go there because the relation between me and my cousins are really close. We are even like brother and sister. Since we were small, we always play together. My family always visit our hometown in Perak almost every month. Plus, I live with my Opah (we call grandmother as Opah ) since I was born till now in Kelantan.

Now I am writing this entry in a lazy mood. But I still keep on writing as I have to do my weekly task which is write three entries per week. What to do, as a student, I have to do my task. Thats all from me. Till see you next time. Bye.

ENTRY 10 : I want black belt !

 Assalamualaikum and hello to my sweet readers !

This time I would like to write about black belt holder to-be.  I was one of the Taekwondo club members. I tend to learn martial art because I love doing challenging activity.

 I am not a really mellow girl or whatsoever. I started to learn this martial art since I was in Form One . My instructor was Miss Lee Mei May. She is very nice, Friendly and easy-going person. I love to be one of her student. She is a very cool person.
Start from white belt, yellow, green, blue and red. I am a red belt holder in stage 2. Every colour belt have two stages to be done in grading . If we pass both stage in grading, then we can get a new colour belt.

 Every grading , we must pay for about RM 30 for fee. When I was in Form 5, I already have a red belt in stage 2. I was really excited as my goal to get black belt is really close. I already mentioned my excitement in getting a title of black belt holder to my best friend, but at last, I can't do my grading because I have to stop for preparing my SPM. I have to sit for SPM Trial in the middle of August after Happy Eid Day celebration. Two months after that, SPM will be my main focus. I have to think about my future. I want to be a successful businesswoman in next ten years. So, in order to make my dream comes true, I have to sacrifice my dream to get black belt in Taekwondo. I will postponed it till I get the right time to finish what I have to finished.
That's all from now. Bye.