Monday, August 19, 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone !

Easy dude. Easy babe. I'm not saying bad thing. WTF stands for World Taekwondo Federation.
I am one of the Lee Taekwondo Club members in World Taekwondo Federation. Taekwondo has many types which are WTF, ITF, GTF, WTA, MTA as far as I know. ITF stands for International Taekwondo Federation, GTF is Global Taekwondo Federation, WTA is World Taekwondo Association and MTA is Malaysia Taekwondo Association.

I love learning Taekwondo because I don't have to do the opening and closing like in Silat. I'm not saying that Silat is not good,  but I prefer to choose Taekwondo than choosing Silat. Actually, all kinds of martial art are good to everyone especially for girls. We can defend our self from any dangerous that always stalking us if we don't get ready. Girls are naturally weak and can't really protect our self from any danger. But, it is not wrong to learn martial art so that we can always get ready to protect and defend ourself.

Recently, I heard about two girls from Sri Lipis Block had been raped by two men. My friends told me that two men are workers in KMPh. They put spelled on these two girls during the gap in lecture hours. The two girls decided to go back to their room. The case was happened on that time. I felt so sorry for them. They are still in trauma due to that case and they are now quit from this college. The suspects are still free because the two girls don't want to report the case to police.

Moral from this story is, we must always prepare our self with martial art so that we can defend ourself from any danger. That's all. Thank you :)

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