Wednesday, August 28, 2013

ENTRY 22 : Don't Trust Her

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!

I have a friend that always accompany me wherever I want to go after lecture hour. She is a science student from Module 1. She is very kind and friendly. Let me call her S. She is a talkative person and has a sense of humor. I can't stop laughing whenever she starts to create joke. She stays in different room but in the same floor. All my roommates like her and comfort to friend with her. We can get along together. But its all over now between us and S.

She had made mess with us. We don't have faith on her anymore. She stole my roommate's cell phone which was Blackberry Bold. At first, when the case was happened, we could not suspect anybody because the thief didn't left any clue or evidence to us. Until my roommate's twin, Pika, revealed her true colour before this. Pika told us that maybe S was the main suspect because she had many cases of stealing in her previous schools before this. But still, we couldn't believe that she was the thief. Since the case was happened, she never joined us for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She always trying to avoid from us. She refused to hang out with us anymore. She had totally changed now. Then, Nini who lost her BB decided to confess with all of us. Before that she met ustaz and ustaz told her that the thief is from among of us. So Nini wanted the thief to give back her phone or else the thief will suffer and will never succeed in her life. She will prays for the thief. During the confession, nobody made a confession to her even S herself. At the end of the day, S passed Nini's BB through my roommate. After that, she will pretend as if like she never knows us. I never expected this from her. I don't understand why she had to do this. I miss the old S.

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