Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ENTRY 20 : Talk to my hand!

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

Yesterday was a terrible day for me. Me and my roommate, Affyn, went to Cafe A for lunch. We were having our lunch at 1.30 p.m  and it was late because we were having a discussion with my Business Lecturer, Mrs Zuraina. Affyn is from other class so she asked me to accompany her to ask the question to my lecturer. After the discussion, we went to Cafe A and ate together. Since only two of us went for lunch, then we have to take turn to  take a look at the bag. I will  buy my lunch while Affyn will waiting for me. When I've done bought my lunch, Affyn left me and bought her lunch.

 While waiting for her, I played Pou game and suddenly a boy who sit next two table from our table was calling me. He is Affyn's classmate. He kept waving his hand towards me even I've smiled to him to replace 'Hello' to him. Then I ignored him and continued to play the game. By the time, he suddenly approached me by seating in front of me. Luckily Affyn had done buying her lunch. I thought he will bother Affyn, unfortunately, he didn't do it at all. He kept bothering me and made me felt uneasy. Affyn and me started to recite the prayer and we just have our lunch without even looking at him. I tried to give him a sign so that he can go away from me. I don't like when people is looking at me while I am eating. I hate it too when people that I don't use to hang with or maybe a stranger is asking me so many questions.

But this guy was so annoying. He kept asking me this and that.
Annoying boy: Do you know this girl? Her name is Fifi. I've been looking her for so long.
Me: I don't know this girl.
Annoying boy: Don't you ever heard her name before?
Me: Never.
Annoying boy: Which one is your block?
Me: Block C. (I was lying to him)
Annoying boy: Am I disturbing you eating?
I looked up to him and smiled. And yet, I replied.
Me: Yes. Can you please leave us alone?
He was speechless and left us alone.

Then, we finished our lunch and went back to our block. Block A1. I felt so uneasy with this guy. I don't know his name and I don't even want to know his name. I guess I am allergic with him. Hope that I won't met him anymore after this.

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