Monday, July 22, 2013

ENTRY 12 : I want a laptop !


Nowadays, people are getting  advanced especially in technology. If fifteen years ago people only used phone when they were 20 and above or when they can afford to buy it, but now everything is changes. Now, a kid who is 8 years old is already can use smart phone. Even some of standard four students in primary school has their own laptop especially for the loaded family. They can easily ask from their rich parents.
But as for me? Sorry to say. I’m not like those children who can easily ask for everything without thinking the use of it. I can only ask for something if it is related to my studies. I want a laptop so that I can easily do my works and assignments. But I still can’t have my own laptop. I have to borrow from my roommate or my classmate so that I can finished my assignment. Sometimes I feel very ashamed to borrow their laptop but I have to because it is an order for me as a student to complete my works. But it is okay because my mom said that she will buy me a laptop after Eid Day. I can’t wait for that day! 

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