Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Matriculation in Pahang

Hello !

Yesterday was 26 of June. Officially I am now a matrix student in Pahang Matriculation College or also known as Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang for about one month.  Basically, I am a science stream student but I change my mind and decided to change Science course to Accounting course. I decided to change my course since my mom told me that I can ask for changing the course.  At first, I decided for not going to this college because I thought I will be learning in Science course.

  My Science subjects in my SPM were not so good compared with my friends in school. Especially in Physics and Chemistry.  But my Biology subject is better than these two because I got B. So you better don't ask me for the reason. I don't have any of them.  As for Additional Mathematics, I got B+. I was really frustrated because my favourite subject didn't reach my target. I was expected to get for at least A- . But still, I was really thankful on my SPM result. Like what Sir Izehari said, 'You are what you read' .

Back to my previous topic, I never set up in my mind to further my study at here. I prefer to not to learn in Science anymore. I love to play with numbers, money and so on as long as it is related to calculation. I am easily get bored when it has something to do with memorization except for language subject. We just need to understand the concept and elaborate it . But for Science subjects, we have to understand all of the concepts and try to memorize all kind of functions or parts of the body and so on. Oh man, I can't stand with these kind of things. They make me sick.

After my appliance to change my course is accepted, I started to learn in Accounting course which consists of Economic, Business, Mathematics and of course Accounting subjects. My life as an account student begin with so many kind of new things. I do miss all of my ex-calssmates but I like my new environment in my new class. My new classmates are very nice and helpful. They help me a lot. I am very thankful to have them as my friends.

Actually, I am a talkative person. For those who didn't know me , they will think that I am an arrogant person or maybe a shy person. Who knows? It take me time to adapt with new environment. But once you know me, I will make sure that you'll never forget me unless you get alzheimer disease. Haha. Just kidding.

Well, thats all I think that I can write. Maybe this entry had reach 100 words as what Sir Izehari had told us to do. Hope you guys enjoy my writing and thanks for spending your time to read my first entry fully in English language. Bye !